I have had several people request this project, but I wasn't going to do it because it was so expensive (mine cost me $50 to make!) But, today I did a ton of searching online and I was able to find knobs for cheaper and if I do the vinyl myself (I paid $17) we can do it for $35! I know it is still expensive - but it is the best I could do. So for this project I am placing a deadline of this Sunday the 17th for orders, so I can get the knobs ordered. Also, if you order one THERE WILL BE NO BACKING OUT! The cost to me is to expensive to eat, so sorry, if you order one, you can't change your mind as of Sunday! :) Let me know asap! (as always the cost includes everything you need)

Keep in mind this is a LARGE board! It is 1 foot high and 4 feet long. Also, the cost includes 8 knobs, if you want more, add $1.25 per extra. Sorry, if you choose to do less than 8 the cost is still the same, because I can only get the price by ordering a ton.
Hey lady . . .just wondering where you get your vinyl? There is a store in Salt Lake called Regional Supply, 2 feet for $2!!!! They sell it in 12 x 24 sheets and have TONS of colors. Maybe, if you buy the vinyl somewhere else ie: the craft store, maybe you can take it back and get it at Regional Supply and possibly lower the cost?? I don't know, just an idea ;) and if you already get it somewhere cheap, let me know where!!
It's cool! Hope you get a lot of orders. I only hang my husbands and my stockings anymore... Sigh.
I want to do the Jingle blocks! I am allowing myself one project this time :) I like the paper you used but I will use whatever is available. I am not picky (or at least not too picky) :) Thanks Maria
This is such a pretty project! I love the saying on it! Such a cute idea for houses with no mantle!
I love that font! What's it called?
Hey Kayla, I loved the font too, and it took me a little while to find it. If you will send me another email in a few days I will look it up on my word processor at home. I think I saved the project and I will be glad to send the name along to you.
Kayla, I meant to tell you that I am out of town and can't respond.
I found the project and the font is called "Girls Are Weird". I probably found it for free on a truetype font site somewhere. Hope this helps!
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