Sorry for the crappy lighting- I couldn't get it to work very well
JOY letters:
JINGLE blocks:
Stockings Were Hung Sign
As always the cost includes everything you need. Paper, ribbons, paint, everything!
You do not have to do both, you can just do one or the other if you want. I just did the JOY letters because so many of you have been requesting letters.
Please let me know ASAP since we have a busy thanksgiving week coming up and I would like to try to get most of the wood cut before I leave for the holiday.
Here is a picture of the more whimsical patterns: The paper in this photo and on my blocks and letters may not be available in large quantities, so let me know what paper type you want when you sign up and I will do my best to get it

Just so you know - I do make a small profit on these craft nights. This is what your money pays for (just in case you want to know) wood, blades (I go through a lot of these) sand paper (go through this like crazy too), scrapbook paper, mod podge, paint. paint brushes, table cloths, drop cloths, cups, wire, ribbons, ink pads, and a few other misc things, and my TIME! :)
I absolutely LOVE these. I wish I could come. Would you be willing to sell kits for them? You can email me.
Those are adorable? Do you sell the kits??
I love the joy! I am also wondering if you sell the kits? I won't be able to make it on December 1st.
If you have an AZ class I am sooooo there!
I would buy kits, though!
I want the JOY and the Jingle one! Yay, thanks Maria!!
I obviously can't come on the 1st, but could you bring down a set of both the JOY and the JINGLE when you come down for Thanskgiving??? I would love to do them!! Let me know!
Hey Maria!
I'm love the Joy and Jingle blocks and really want to come and do them but I have school that night until 9pm. Im just wondering if you would be willing to do another time also, maybe during the day?
I love them all!! I am from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and only wish I could attend one of your craft nights. You have inspired me to start one of my own craft night someday. I would love to ask you some questions if that's alright, please let me know. Thanks for sharing!
I'm hooked on your craft nights...I would love to do both JOY and JINGLE. Thanks for being so crafty and sharing your talent!
I would absolutely LOVE one of your 'JOY' kits... I keep looking at it over and over again....
Count me in for a 'Joy' Kit. Thanks!
I love these... I want both! I am not sure if I can make it to craft night. Nights are so hard for me to do anything. I love the paper you did. Do you still have my pumpkin I owe you for. I never see you. Do you want me to give a check to Rachel? 12 + 14 + 10 = 36 right? You let me know. I am always at the school so I can watch for you also.
Um. I totally left a comment earlier and it is gone...hmmmmmm But I want to do the JINGLE blocks. I am only allowed one project at a time from now on :( I like the paper you used but am not too picky if it's not exact. I think they are so fab!
Maria, I need a Jingle and Joy. Thanks!
OMG...I wish I would have seen these in december so I could feature you! They are SO adorable!!! Great Job!
Hello. Do you still sell these kits? Love them!!!
What are the "Joy" letters and the other blocks made of? Do you sell and ship the supplies?
Thanks, S. Smith
I would like to order the jingle and joy kits if possible.
Do you have any left over from the holidays? They are so cute! Kline.kristy@
Would you willing to sale 20 sets of the Joy Letters? If so, how much?
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