Wednesday, April 20, 2011

May Craft Night

Wednesday May 18th @ 6:00 pm
Herriman City office Building (13011 S Pioneer Street, Herriman)

If signing up- PLEASE leave a comment on this post- it's hard for me to track the orders when some are on FB- texts, blog, or just in passing.  Thanks!!!

Sorry it took so long to get this together- still trying to find my motivation with all this gloomy weather!  I feel like I live in Oregon or something! :)
I don't have a for sure date yet- I am thinking the second Wed or Thurs of May- I need to see what dates are available for the city office we will use.

FAMILY is everything:

Another color example:

These are large- about 12" high at the highest point and a total of 21" long
The letters are vinyl

Cost: $16



Cost: $6 each 
(if you do three- I will do different size pots- if you do one, I will assume the shortest unless otherwise stated. The tallest stands about 14" tall)

I am in the Salt Lake City area if anyone is interested in coming who isn't a neighbor of mine! Everyone is welcome! :)

***I am willing to ship, if you are interested, I will probably have you pay me in advance. My email is

What your money pays for:  I do make a small profit on these craft nights. This is what your money pays for (just in case you want to know) wood, blades (I go through a lot of these) sand paper (go through this like crazy too), scrapbook paper, mod podge, paint. paint brushes, table cloths, drop cloths, cups, wire, ribbons, ink pads, the rental for the room, and a few other misc things, and my TIME! :)


Casey and Whitney MCkell said...

I want a family thanks girll

Windy said...

I want the family and 3 flowers. Thanks Maria!!

Amanda O'Banion said...

Hello! I would love one of the family ones in the first color choice! Shoot me some more information! What a wonderful idea!

Renee said...

I am interested in both and would love to come. Tyler and I are going out of town the week of May 17th so I will check back to see which date you chose and then let you know!

Jenny said...

Would the flower kits be too expensive to ship do you think?

Unknown said...
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Kristin said...
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Kristin said...

I'd like to do a family sign & set of 3 flower pots. I so need some spring decor in my house! Thanks Maria, looking forward to another fun craft night :)

JaNece said...

1 Family is everything and 3 flowers! YAY! So excited. But seriously don't make me choose the paper!!!

Brooke said...

I want the 3 flowers. Thanks Brooke Stocking

Anonymous said...

Hi Maria,

I want to do the Family blocks. Thanks hun!!!


Unknown said...

I love your stuff!

Cassidie, Jeff & Baby Fenton said...

Can I please have 3 flowers. :) Thanks girl. Cassidie Fenton

Reese Fam said...

I would like ONE family and ONE flower. ;) Thanks, you're the best!

JaNece said...

This order is for my mom: One "Family" and 3 flowers!! (Eunice Marshall)

Anonymous said...

I need 3 flowers and Ginger needs 3 flowers. Thanks!

Olivia said...

1 Family please!

Becky said...

I would like to order 1 of the family and 3 flower pots. I live in tX, how much would you charge to ship? my email is

Alldredge Family said...

Hi Maria,
Put me down for one set of the family blocks please!
Thanks, your the best (:

Screaming Meme said...

Love the name of your blog. You are so creative all around! Hi, I'm Meme for Screaming Meme. I wanted to personally invite you to my Giveaway Series. My first giveaway is beautiful slipcover. If you get the chance stop in and remember to check back and see what I am giving away next. :) Hope to you see there!

The Jamison's said...

I will be out of town but can I still get the materials from you and do it on my own? I would love to do the Family blocks.

Thanks Maria!

Kelly said...

So cute!! Sign me up for the family one please.

Reese Fam said...

My friend Joylyn would like one Family and one set of Flowers. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I would like to attempt three flowers. And I can bring my sander if you need it. Can I pick them up before like I usually do?

Kayla La Caze

Loftus' said...

Please let me know if we can still place an order. My email is
I would love to order 1 family and 3 flowers.

Richel said...

I would like to get 3 flowers for me
3 for my sister and 3 for Amy. So 9 total. Thanks Maria


Sara Jane said...

Hi Maria!

I would love to do 1 Family. Thanks, I'm so excited!

Sara (Part of Olivia's clan)

Emily said...

I know you did the craft night last night, but do you have any more flowers? I'd love to order them.



Ali said...

all these flowers are lovely and fantastic,very brilliant work done i really impress by this work.

Send gifts to Pakistan From UK

Annie said...

I would love to get 6 sets of the the family blocks. I love that quote especially since Marjorie Hinkley is the one who said it. I live in NV. Do you mail orders? I have a sister in law that lives in salt lake who could pick them up if you don't mail them off. thanks a ton! please let me know.

keri said...

How much is just the vinyl for the family blocks?

Lisa said...

Let me know if you get this - I was searching pinterest and found your "family is everything" craft from your post on April 20th, 2011 - is there any chance you still have directions for this and could you make the vinyl letters and ship them to me in Columbia,SC? I pay cost, labor, shipping.
By the way I have a cousin who lives in Herriman - Wendy Grossarth.
Hope you still have the details on this craft block set, I would really like to make one.

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