Please sign up by leaving me a comment, here on my blog! That is the easiest way for me to keep track of orders. :)
LOVE blocks
Cost = $5
LOVE letters
Cost = $16
BE MINE blocks
Cost = $10
HUGS & KISSES blocks
Cost = $6
As of now, I am planning on doing it on Thursday, January 27th @ 7:00 (unless you would all rather start earlier @ 6:00.
Please sign up ASAP so I can get started on the orders- I am going to need all the time I can get (it’s only 2 weeks away!!
Also, I will offer a black and white and red paper option- so let me know if that is what you prefer.
DISCLAIMER! I made my blocks and letters 4 years ago, so I will not be able to get the exact same paper! But you know me, I will have plenty of cute options for you to choose from, and I will stay true to style and get the closest possible to my originals.
CAN'T WAIT!!! I LOVE craft nights!!!

***I am willing to ship, but last time someone never paid me ($40 out of my pocket) so if you are interested, I will probably have you pay me in advance. My email is
One last thing- I am in the Salt Lake City area if anyone is interested in coming who isn't a neighbor of mine! Everyone is welcome! :)
Great ideas! Gave me an idea of my own.
barbara jean
I want 3 all together, love blocks, hugs and kisses and be mine. Decided not on the one with the dowels huh? Darn.. Heidi S.
Love blocks, and Hugs and Kisses. :)
I decided to go with the love blocks and hugs & kisses. can't wait!
I'm so excited! Sign me up for the Hugs and Kisses Blocks, Love letters and the Be Mine Blocks. I can't wait!!
2 Love Blocks and 1 Hugs and Kisses please and thank you! I hope you are feeling better. Thank you so much for doing this - My house seems so empty after I took down Christmas. :)
Sign me up for the Love Blocks and the Love Letters. If you can, I would "love" to have the love blocks in the black white and red you mentioned. So excited!
I want to do the love blocks and the hugs and kisses. I would prefer the red black and white options. I also have a big box of wood for you I'll bring over. Thank you so much for doing this. It is so fun.
Woohoo!! I want to do the Love letters, and the Hugs and Kisses blocks. Thanks girl! You're awesome!
I want to do the be mine and the hugs and kisses! They are so cute! Thanks!
-Ericka Jamison
Love blocks and hugs and kisses
(Olivia is my sister)
Love blocks be mine blocks and hugs and kisses wahoo
Love Blocks and Hugs and Kisses blocks..thanks!
Love blocks, hugs and kisses blocks and be mine! YAY! Let me know if you need help.
I think I want some of them to be black and white and red, but i don't know which ones yet. I'll do whatever. :)
I've never really been crafty before so I think I'll start slow and do the Love blocks. I'm really excited to learn from a pro!
I would like to do the love blocks and hugs and kisses blocks. Thanks!
It's Ashley Thomas - Love Blocks and Hugs & Kisses Blocks
I would like to do the Love blocks and Hugs and Kisses. I would like the Hugs & Kisses in the red, white paper option.
Oh no! There you go...another 2 weeks without you :(...selfishly I was hoping no one would sign up! You are one talented lady!
I would like to do the love letters! (I LOVE my jingle blocks! Olivia is my sister too.)
I want the love letters and be mine blocks. Thanks for sharing your talent with us, it's great, can't wait.
Brooke Stocking
Two more Hugs and Kisses for me.
I want to do 2 Love blocks and 1 Be Mine. Thanks a ton!
Look at you! Seriously so cute! You are going to have the whole neighborhood decorated!
I want to do the Love Letters and the Be Mine Blocks. I may have more orders for you, some of my family may want to do them! When do you need to know by? And when do you need the money?
I thought I wrote a comment on here I don't see it. I would like one of each please. Love blocks, love letters, be mine, and hugs and kisses. Thanks Maria!
One more hugs and kisses love you friend
Hey Maria, please disregard my previous order, here is my full order; 1-Love Blocks, 1-Love Letters, 4-Be Mine blocks and 1-Hugs & Kisses!! Thanks gal! My family loves your crafts, as does everyone else =)
I won't be able to come that day but if it's easy to do on my own I would love to do the Love blocks and the Hugs and Kisses in the red, black, and white option. Let me know and I can give the money to Erin to give to you. Thanks!
I cannot decide! But I think the red LOVE blocks! Can't wait! - Traci
I'd like to do hugs & kisses (if there's still room) Thanks! Kristin Vance (Olivia's extended family :)
It's Ashley Thomas: more to my order 1 - Love Blocks, 1 - Love Letters, and 1 Hugs & Kisses.
I would love to do the LOVE blocks and the Hugs and Kisses. Very excited!
I would like to do the love letters! So cute!
I want to do 2 Love blocks and 1 Be Mine. Thanks!!! The black, red and white sounds really cute--can we choose that night, or do we need to decide before??
I want to do a hugs and kisses too--black, white and red. Thanks!!!
I would like to add the LOVE letters too. Thanks a million!
Hi, I am Richel's sister and will be coming with her on Thursday. I would like to sign up for the Hugs and Kisses and the Love Letters. I would prefer the black and white and red paper. Thanks
I posted above that I wanted to do the LOVE Letters and forgot to put I would prefer Red/Black/White option, I'm sorry! And I would like to add the Love blocks, if that is ok? Thank You! Thank you!
I would like to add one more love block if that is possible.
Thank you so much! Can't Wait!
I want a LOVE blocks but don't think I will be able to come. Can I just pick it up?
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