Halloween has been my favorite holiday since I was about 6 or 7. I have twice as many Halloween decorations as I do Christmas. In fact, my husband had to build shelving in my garage just to hold my decorations! (Love you babe!)
This idea originated from Martha Stewart 7 years ago. I vowed that one day I would have a big porch just so I could decorate it like this - so 5 years ago I made it. It has evolved some over the years, and I LOVE the results!!! I never tire of all the screams from neighborhood kids who come over just to scare themselves!
This is a picture from the original article that I got the idea from.
(Martha Stewart 2003)

Originally my spider webs were made from a big roll of screen that I painted the web on, but it is super windy where I live and no matter what I did, I couldn't get them to stay up more than a day or two. Plus unlike the MS picture, you couldn't see the white lines at night. This year I found these great webs at LOWES. They were $8 a piece, and at first I thought, "I can make those out of rope or something." But then I realized by the time I bought everything and made them, I'd have spent that much, so I just bought them! (WHAT??? yes I confess, I bought them! But where else would I find cute thick tinsel yarn like this?)
I also saw the same ones (but black) at Micheals, for the same price (plus there are coupons) but I wanted white. LOVE them!!!
Stay tuned for a tutorial in the next few days of how to make these disgusting hatching egg sacks. Ewwwwww!!!
I found the best place to buy spiders is at the dollar store. And buy them I did!!!
I just use regular clear gift wrapping tape to tape the sacks and spiders to my vinyl siding ceiling. The tape holds up great all month, and comes off without any problems.
Tie fishing line (or any clear beading thread) to larger spiders and tape to ceiling.
Spiders everywhere!!!
Kinda gives me the creeps to sit in my rocking chair!
Did I mention that my biggest fear is spiders? Really is! But now the real ones blend in with all the fake ones, and what I don't know doesn't hurt right? :D
Happy Spooking!

I just love Michelle at Someday Crafts! Thank you!