I don't think that I have been this proud of a project in a long time! Probably by far one of my favorites! (besides my desk!) About 3 years ago, my husbands aunt died and I inherited her old kitchenAid. We guess that it is over 20 years old! I am so grateful, but to be honest - it had seen better days and wasn't exactly the color I would have picked. A year ago I was in Home Depot buying spray paint (surprise, surprise) when I saw paint for appliances! That's when a little light bulb went off in my head! "I can paint my kitchenAid!!!" So yes, it has taken me a year to do it! (does anyone else have that problem?)
So without further ado...
So if you want to paint your KitchenAid, or any other appliance for that matter, here is how...
1. Remove all removable parts. (super easy - like 3 minutes easy!)
Once you remove the back thingy, you will see screws to remove the silver band that wraps around the front - I was originally going to just tape mine off until I saw it only had 2 screws holding it in place.
The bowl holder has 3 screws...
2. Clean all that GUNK out of every crevice (probably the hardest part!) Who knew cookie dough could be so invasive?!?
3. Lightly sand the surface. I used a foam sanding block so that I could easily sand all the curves. It doesn't need much - just enough to rough up the polish. (NOTE: DO NOT sand anything you are not painting- it will scratch it up!)
4. Tape off anything you don't want painted, I did cut the tape around those screws (I just get picture happy!)
I just put a plastic sandwich bag over the wires in the back and secured it with a rubber band! (rocket science- I know!)
Now for the FUN part!
5. Spray paint! I used Rust-Oleum Appliance Epoxy (black gloss)
Follow the directions on the can carefully
***If I had to do this again, I would first tape off the bottom half and spray the top arm thing, then tape that off, and spray the bottom. I found that the "dust" from the spray dulled the shine on the other parts, so it took multiple coats - which makes bubbles if you do too many - which I did, so learn from my mistakes!
Now it is all pretty and shiny black! But am I satisfied? Am I ever satisfied??? :)
6. Tattoo time! (I like to call it a tattoo)
***Again - learn from my mistakes! If I had been smart, I would have realized that I painted the "tattoo" the same color my KitchenAid was originally, so I should have just put the vinyl on first then painted it black! Would have saved me time and a can of spray paint - oh well - be smarter than me! Trust me, it's not hard to do! :)
I found a design I liked on a piece of scrapbook paper from Hobby Lobby. I cut out a small piece of vinyl and taped them both on my window so that I could trace the design onto my vinyl. (the light from the window makes it possible to see through your vinyl)
7. Cut out the design with an exacto knife. Take your time, so that you don't get cuts where you don't want them - your paint will leak through those cuts.
8. Put contact paper, or transfer paper on the RIGHT side of your vinyl. DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP! If you don't do this it will be nearly impossible to transfer it to your project -trust me, I learned the hard way and had to redo my stencil!
9. Peel off the back of the vinyl - it should now be "sticky"
10. Apply it to your kitchenAid - it is rounded, so really rub those stencils on, try to flatten all creases as good as you can so that the paint will not leak into them.
11. Cover anything you don't want the contrast paint on (I forgot to take a picture)
12. Spray with a contrasting color (I used the same Appliance Epoxy just in cream)
OHHH!!! And don't forget to spray your cord to match! I just used 99 cent walmart black matt paint for the cord.
13. Unveil your results!!!
(I was giddy with excitement at this point! I couldn't believe how gorgeous it was!!!)
I love the little tattoo I did on the opposite side!
I debated putting another small one at the bottom of the base, but was afraid it would be too much.
MORAL OF THE STORY: Everything has potential!!!
So go spray paint something!!!
Am I the only one who gets giddy after spray painting? I think it is kind of like shaving for the first time, when you are done you want to shave more, so you shave your arms too! I have been searching my house for more things to spray paint!
I am linking up to the CSI challenge- wish me luck!!!
I so want to do this. I painted my entire house and my kitchenaide doesn't match now. I didn't know you can do this. I'm really scared though. Is that weird? What if I mess it up? I have butterflies.
That is Ka-Pow! I love it. Mine will be painted in no time flat. Thanks for inspiring!
I've been wanting to do this FOREVER! (mine is that same off white color)Ive just not been brave enough to give it a shot. It looks great, congrats!
Noticed you through Whatever Goes Weds.
You are one brave woman! It looks great, but I would be so scared. My Kitchenaid is my pride and joy! :)
That is awesome. I'm hoping it won't rub off if I do it. How is that paint working for you?
Okay this -- is A-MAZING! What a great idea! Does the paint stay on pretty well when you clean your mixer off? Love this project!
Wow, you are crazy for even trying that. But I must say, it looks OUTSTANDING. Great, GREAT job!!
Wow! Look how brave you are! It turned out beautifully.
I also get giddy whenever I spray paint something. I've been going nuts myself lately.
Okay, I would never do that to the mixer that I actually purchased since they are so much $$ but hey, yours was free!!! Way to go!!! It's looks fabulous!!
W.O.W. This turned out GREAT! Thank you for such a detailed tutorial. Who knew?
This is AWESOME!
I just need a KitchenAid now:)
This is most excellent! I love the new look for your Kitchenaid and the stencil is gorgeous! This could be done on other appliances, too, now you've got my mind a workin'. Great project!
BRILLIANT BRILLIANT BRILLIANT! I so want a kitchen aid mixer, but ONE LIKE YOURS. What you did is so fab. I adore it. I featured it on my craft blog too. Craftomaniac.blogspot.com hope you don't mind, Jenn
OH my gosh... can I just say, that I LOVE everything you do! I'm totally copying the wreath you made! ADORABLE! :)
and your kitchen aid is to DIE for! So cute!
ps. I'm glad to know that we're not the only ones eating cereal and top raman, cuz money needs a new pillow. LOL
Love how it turned out, great job!
Hi Maria~ I would love to see pics. if you make my damask balls. I would feature them too. Hugs, Jenn
this is really cool! i had no idea you could spray paint appliances. honestly though, i would not have the patience for it. it looks awesome though! gotta love how kitchen aids can last forever!
FAB project! I LOVE the tattoo's
That came out awesome.
you are now my hero!!! I MUST do this!
That is awesome!!! You could start a profession painting for kitchen aid:) It looks great & thanks for the "how to"
PS thanks for your comment on my ric rac necklace & no...I'm not from Idaho Falls. I'm in Mesa, AZ, maybe I just have a familiar looking face!?!
That is probably one of the most wonderful things I have seen! I would have NEVER thought to spray paint appliances! Great job!
Super cool! Thanks for linking up @PonyTails&FishScales!
I love this paint-tattoo job!!! I'm passing on the good news too:) Awesome idea-♥
wow i totally want to put a tattoo of some sort on mine now! :) i love the red that it's in already, so that would be all i'd try to add...
What a clever way to makeover a kitchen aid. Great job!
Do you ever watch Good Eats? Alton Brown painted hot rod flames on his black Kitchen Aid! You did a great job with this.
No, thank YOU for your loving compliments, Maria! You blessed me so much by your loving words. I'm sure some people could come across my blog and thing maybe I'm a little too open? I hope not. My biggest goal is that people notice the Lord's presence there first and mine second : ). He's is just too good for me not to talk about!
I am also beyond honored that you put me on your blog roll! How sweet and kind of you. I'm headin' back to my place to put you on mine : ).
So much love to you, new friend!
P.S. The mixer looks AMAZING. I can't believe you even did that. Incredibly creative!
How creative! I never would have thought to do this. Then even if I did think of it I would never have been brave enough to try it. I would be scared I would destroy my mixer.
Great job!
Gorgeous!! You are so talented and creative. I also loved how you transformed the desk.
Yoli :)
The timing of this post is just PERFECT for me. Thank you so much!! I inherited a cobalt blue kitchenaid mixer from my late mother-in-law. This was before Kitchenaid came up with all those crazy awesome colors. And I really don't like cobalt blue... And my cheap husband won't buy me another one, because let's face it, it's wasteful and the one we have works just fine. So I guess I can finally say goodbye to that cobalt blue :)
oh gosh! love this! gave you an award at my blog....kimboscrafts.blogspot.com
hey maria, i love your kitchenaid that turned out so cute, your so crafty i love it, when are you going to do a craft night on the wreath holders, cause I need some bad? Keep up your good work and ideas. Brooke
I found this through the CSI Project blog. Oh, I'm in LOVE!!!! Orange KitchenAid hear I come (yes, orange :D).
Wow what a transformation! Good for you to just go for it. It is beautiful.
I love this idea, but absolutely never would have thought of it had I not read your post.
I am in love with this, what a great idea.
Seriously. Awesome. Bookmarking for my "to do" list! And I like your writing style, so I'm following you, too. :) ((fellow CSI crafter))
I always wished I'd bought the red mixer and now I can have it! I am SO doing this!
I have a KitchenAid mixer that is nearing 35 years old. I bought it used in 1983 when I was young and poor. It has kept my family in baked goods for years and years. The mixer is still going strong but I'd love to have a red one, like Jennifer Juniper. Thanks so much for the excellent idea and instructions!
What a great idea! If I ever get the kitchen finished I'll do the KA too! Thanks. :)
BTW - I got here via a link on TipNut.
I think it turned out FABULOUS!!
And I thought I was the ONLY one who shaved their arms after learning to shave.... LOL
Now THAT is one AWESOME job!!!!!!
Beautiful! I am a firm believer in altering what does not suit us. And we should NEVER have to live with a color that doesn't make us smile!
I don't own a KA and never will, but if I did, you can bet that it would reflect my personality, as your KA does yours.
Found you through a Stumble.
I love the comment in your profile about teaching your children to see beauty in things. This particular project is above and beyond. There are so many oldie items that were made to last, just not made to stay beautiful. I'm inspired to see more beauty in those items, and now I know I bring it out.
Saw a tweet from Jennifer Juniper....I HAD to stop by and see this!!! My mixer is pink.....but I think it needs a little embellishing :) SUPER.COOL!!!
Okay......now I'm a follower and I'm off to peek around and see all the fun stuff I've missed!! :)
LOVE THIS!!! I can't wait to get a mixer now so I can paint it and stencil it exactly they way I want it!!! The plain white ones are much cheaper than the colored ones- Thanks!!
YOU are a creative GENIOUS! I'm in love! Plus you are a BRAVE BRAVE soul to do that. So now I'm a follower! So glad I saw this on the DIY tuturial link party!
This is a FANTASTIC idea. Love it!
OH MY GOSH!! this is AWESOME!!
i know the response is late but THANKS for linking! i'm so glad we got to see this! fab!!
OMG! 20 years old!!!!1! I mean, 1990, that was, like, another whole century ago! That's, like, ancient!!1!! No doubt I'd have to throw out my mixer without your instructions on how to update its "thingies." Thanks!
Awesome! I painted my refrigerator with appliance epoxy and it works great!!
I love the tattoo! I was always jealous of Alton Brown's mixer because it has flames all over the front of it. I wonder if that's doable with the spray paint...
That is so cute and inspiring!!!
WOW! We were given a kitchen aid when we got married...I picked fire engine red. Needless to say, there are days I wish I'd chosen differently. Who knew I could change it up!? So glad you shared. It turned out AWESOME!!!
So fun!!! I love this!!!! Good Job Missy!
My Kitchen aide is exactly like your before one!! I love what you did to yours and it is on my list of projects now!!
I've always regretted going safe with a white one. Look out orange, here I come.
Un. Bee. lee. vable! Really, amazing. It looks fabulous. Lisa~
Brilliant, seriously brilliant! LOVE it!
That is fantastic! That would have to be the one thing in my kitchen that I haven't spray painted YET. I currently have it in the closet because it doesn't match my oil rubbed bronze look in my kitchen. BUT it is coming out of the closet!
Ohhhhh, this is very tempting. Mine is also boring white because I bought it at a garage sale. It works great but I have always longed for a different color.
I have bookmarked this post and will get up my nerve to paint mine too! Thanks for being the guinea pig and showing off your results. Wow, nothing gets the attention of ladies like talk of spray paint and KitchenAids.
I must say I do not own a kitchen aid mixer because I wanted a colored on. But now I don't care because you have showed me that I can paint it.
My goodness - how brilliant is this?!
visiting from CSI Challenge.
Holy Smokes... that is my Kitchenaid to a "T!" Well, the before picture. :-)
I would have NEVER in a million years thought about spray painting it. Now you have a beautiful one-of-a-kind appliance.
How ingenious!
This is amazing! Love it!
wow you are brave!! i would never think to do this but it looks fantastic! love it!!
That is awesome! LOVE IT!
This is a FABULOUS idea! I would have never thought of it. The tatoos are my favorite part.
A woman after my own heart. Really great tutorial. Appreciate all the tips to making it easier for me. I'm thinking turquoise for mine. Awesome job.
I checked and it seems like the appliance paint only comes in four colors - what most appliances are. I guess that means we are out of luck for painting any wild colors - like pink or green. Rats!
oh la la...you're on my hero list!
Maria! I love this. What a wonderful and professional transformation!
Really, really clever.
Mine's already black but now I think maybe it should be lime green!
So cooooool.
Thanks for taking the time to post this.
You are AMAZING!! I am totally enjoying checking out all your projects! I would never have thought to paint my kitchen Aid, but it looks AWESOME!!
This reminds me of my old Singer sewing machine. (Her name is "Susan.") Ya know, back in the day when sewing machines were actually beautiful!
I think it turned out perfectly! :)
Stunning work...this was just linked from SugarDoodle's facebook page.
I have an inherited Kenmore that has lost it's lustre (and lots of paint on its grater attachment) so thank you for trying this for me! I now know I can salvage it (we use it to grate the pizza mozzarella so it is an essential item). Don't think I'm brave enough for the stencil, though I could do it the way you suggested, making the stencil a mask instead.
Thanks again for being our paint trailblazer!
I am FLOORED! This is super awesome. I want a kitchen aid now so I can paint it!
I also made over my own Kitchen Aid! They just scream for it, don't they!? I love how yours turned out. Here's mine;
I am so glad I came upon this! I have a white KA mixer from when I owned white appliances. Now that my kitchen is stainless, I've been wanting a new one, but the colored mixers are soooo expensive! Not to mention that mine works just fine, just don't like the color! I'm so excited about trying this! Thanks for the wonderful idea!
Just wanted to let you know that I linked your post to my version of your project. Thanks so much for the inspiration!
Nice mod to your mixer. Kitchen Aid is one of the competitor of Bosch brand.
Bosch Mixer
I'm not here to burst your bubble and what you did makes a really cute Kitchen Aid...but I must admit I love the original white and and to me, it would be like painting my 1930's green refrigerator hot pink.
How perfectly giftable and I LOVE the fabric! Thanks so much, I'll be linking.
Thanks for sharing with us.
kitchenaid artisan blender
AHHHHHHHH!!!!! I am sooooooo excited! I have hated my almond colored kitchen aid...it is the real expensive professional model and couldn't bear to sell and get new color (RED), especially since it was a gift. So many other sites pooh poohed painting appliances (all these women saying it doesn't look that bad, you don't want paint around food items, what do you think appliance covers are for, ya da ya da ya da). Now I can have it, since it sits on my counter, match the red accents in my kitchen and really pop out and look good! Three cheers to you for DOING IT!
I must say it looks fabulous and I am excited to try a similar project but I am curious now that this has been finished for a year(according to the date of the first post...) how has the finish held up under normal household use?
I thought the Kitchen Aid was great...especially the stenciling! I painted by hood over my range almond, to match my stove top. When I got a new built-in oven, the appliance store thought that my hood came that way! (It was 1970's green originally.) PS>>Also, I spray painted my fan light over the table from old gold to silver. Spray paint is awesome!!!
ok Im bowing to you right now!YOUR A GENIOUS!!! Im going to do this ASAP,Im so glad I found you! Thanks from your newest Newbie follower,Deidre~http://simplysimplisticated4.blogspot.com
I can't believe I found this! I've been wishing my mixer was black and not green!
Oh I wonder if this appliance paint comes in pink? I so want a pink mixer! My hubby will freak when I tell him this!
Tara, I want a hot pink mixer too! mine is white right now, I would love to be able to spray paint mine hot pink with that same cute little design she has... Did you put a clear coat on the entire thing when you were finished? I wonder if that would mess it up? Do you have any more of that paper you got from Hobby Lobby? I dont have one of those here... could you mail it to me? lol
Oh My Gosh! You just made it look so easy! I am redoing my kitchen from top to bottom (out of necessity)
I am going for Americana and my Kitchen Aide is white too! The combinations going through my head right now!!! Thank You So Much!!
I did this! I painted mine blue-ish and it matches my kitchen and it is beautiful!
Wow you have guts! I don't think I could ever paint my KA mixer! lol... although it is 5 years old and beginning to be beat up! Great turotial... found this via Pinterest
for those that want a wild colour, that the appliance paint doesn't come in, why not use car paint??? you can get loads of good colours in car paint, although most likely not hot pink etc, but still a better range than just appliance colours?
Thanks so much for sharing this! My Kitchen Aid mixer is rusting on the base and I was wondering if it could be painted.
I just did a google search for how to paint a stand mixer and came across your blog. I can't believe this was posted 3 years ago and people are still loving it. Doesn't seem like many others have actually attempted this themselves. I inherited my grandmothers stand mixer a couple of years ago, but haven't stuck it out on the counter permanently because of the color. I've decided I want a BAM color and have decided to try your method. Thanks so much for sharing your ideas! Can't wait to check out the rest of the blog and see what else you have in store for me! :)
I got brave and painted my KitchenAid mixer hot pink, then added glitter blast and finished with a glitter blast sealant. I'm hoping it holds up. The glitter blast did not leave it feeling real smooth but it sure is pretty. My husband left on a business trip, he is going to flip when he sees what I did. But the mixer was almost 20 yrs old,....
omg you are brave. and a risk-taker.
i wouldn't dare :(
Do you think this would work okay with a newer mixer? Mine is a beautiful red, but I have had red and black throughout my kitchen for years and Im totally ready for a change! I really want a 50's blue one, but they are so expensive and mine is only about 3 years old. what do you think???
Hi all! I was looking to touch up my scratched kitchen aid and after much searching found this website mytouchuppaint.com that offers kitchenaid touch up paint! It works perfectly. Enjoy!
I love this! I have the red one, and while pretty, I really want to paint it a raspberry or orchid pink!
Now I just need to find an epoxy paint in those colors. Thank you for posting this!
My wife would totally do something like this if we got a KitchenAid mixer. We wanted one so bad for our wedding but no one gave it to us. If we could find one for cheap, I would be more okay if she spray painted it opposed to spray painting a $600 one. http://kitchenandhomebylynn.com/appliances/
I so want a kitchen aid mixer, but ONE LIKE YOURS. ... 2kitchenaidblender.blogspot.com
I so want a kitchen aid mixer, but ONE LIKE YOURS. ... 2blenderkitchenaid.blogspot.com
I always wished I'd bought the red mixer and now I can have it! I am SO ... 2redblender.blogspot.com
So if you want to paint your KitchenAid, or any other appliance for that matter, here is how. ... akitchenaid.blogspot.com
I so want a kitchen aid mixer, but ONE LIKE YOURS. What you ... artisanblender.blogspot.de
Really creative!
Such a beautiful KitchenAid mixer. I love artisan series because its color
You were able to paint the cord too??
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