Thursday, March 31, 2011

old vinyl sign

How many of you have vinyl signs that no longer match your decor, but that you still kept?  I kept this one for about 6 years tucked away in a closet.  I originally painted it red to match my daughters nursery, but when she went to a big girl bed, her room turned to pink and green.  I kept thinking another girl would come along, but got two boys instead, so I never got to use it with the cribbing again.
Then one day I heard someone mention that you could paint over vinyl and I decided to give it a try!   It worked pretty good, I won't lie, it was tedious, but I didn't have anything better to do that night so what the heck right? :)
So this is what it originally looked like- loved the saying but not the color
To paint it I used the left over paint from painting my daughters room.  This is the first coat:
It took a couple of coats, and each coat I did, I had to take Q-tips dipped in water and trace the letters to remove the paint.  This was the slightly tedious part, but I kind of like tedious :)

Originally I tried just wiping it down with a rag to remove the paint from the vinyl, it worked, but too well.   It removed the paint from all around the vinyl as well, so I changed to Q-tips
Lots and lots of Q-tips later!!! :)

I actually really liked the slight red outline of the letters, helped make them pop off the green!
The finished sign in it's new room, I like!
Would I do this again?  Sure, I'm a cheap-wad so probably!  Then again, I can now do my own vinyl for cheap, (thanks to my cricut and sure cuts a lot!) so maybe next time I will just redo my own vinyl.  It was worth it though!

Monday, March 21, 2011


So I have a confession to make...I SUFFER FROM SEASONAL DEPRESSION!!!  :)  Really, I do!  I don't get too sad, or angry (my kids would probably say otherwise!) but I do loose all and any motivation- hence the lack of blogging, or crafting, or doing anything for that matter! :)  So my apologies to my readers, especially my new ones who are probably thinking, "why the heck did I click follow on this lame blog?"  But SPRING is in the air, and already this week I am feeling an urge to do some spring cleaning, until I get up and all the urge is gone.  I need to live in St George!!! :)
Anyways!  Time to spruce things up a bit!  I promise to do something creative soon- but in the meantime, I need some help-
May is my 1 year anniversary of this blog, and I want to celebrate with a bang!!!  I want to do a week of giveaways, so I am looking for anyone who might be interested or who might know someone who would be?  I have a few already, but need some more.  If you are interested, please email me @

No I am not really crying inside, I just thought these were funny :)

Thanks for your help- and I promise to post soon! :)