Friday, January 14, 2011

Is it just me???

I have this curse- and it gets me every holiday- I swear. The curse is that, without fail, and despite my best intentions, I inevitably ALWAYS leave out some holiday decoration on accident. And the funny thing is that it is usually one of the MOST OBVIOUS things! And the other funny thing about this is that I usually don't notice that OBVIOUS thing till someone else points it out to me. Like, "your Halloween wreath looks great with all your Christmas decor!" Seriously, it's usually that obvious!

One year I had a 4 foot tall Halloween Witch right next to my front door clear till Christmas (and I had no clue!) her black and orange and green striped outfit just blended right into my beige wall color I swear!

So, for the last year, I have searched my house high and low after every holiday, hunting down the elusive piece that will be forgotten, and I thought I was doing really well...till I noticed this:
Yes- it is January 14th- and that is a scare-a-crow! And he is on my pantry door! I must pass him at least 50 times a day! LOL- funny thing is, I took the time to take the picture, and now write this post, but have I taken him down? Ummm no! How much you want to bet he will still be there Easter time? :)


  1. I say that the scarecrow is free from holiday clean up - that looks like kiddo work and hey, thats high art!

  2., you're not the only one. last year I left my christmas wreath up till april. currently, my christmas cards are still up, and I just realized there are still ornaments hanging from the dining room chandy. maybe I'll get to it this weekend. hmmmmm...

  3. he's just guarding your pantry from unwanted crows. ;)

  4. Ha ha! I have the same problem...just realized I still have two Christmas printables hung on the walls, as well as a fake poinsetta on a side table. And that despite the fact I could have sworn I got everything back into the Christmas bins!

  5. It's not just you. I realized last night that in addition to a few of the Christmas things not put away, I have a 4th of July wall plaque still up in my kitchen.

  6. Looks like it happens to a lot of us! :-) I left out two Christmas items this year.

  7. Nope--I absolutely do the same thing! Without fail, whenever I put away holiday decorations I leave something out, and usually something so extremely obvious that when you do spot it, you have to wonder if your brain was working AT ALL! So embarrassing! I currently have the 3 wisemen (just them) from my nativity set still sitting out on my bookcase. It's because someone had hidden them when I put away the rest, but now that I've found them, do you think I put them in their box? Nope, they are just decorating the room all by themselves. Three Kings' Day is in January, right? That makes it legit! (Hmmm...maybe not...)

  8. That happens to me every season too. Normally my kids are the one's who say.."Are you going to take that down?" :)

