Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It's craftin' time!!!

I am so excited for Craft Night tomorrow!!!  There are some of you that are coming that I have never met- and I'm excited!   For those of you who are not my neighbors and don't know my neighborhood- contact me at and I will give you directions.
For those of you my neighbors- meet at the church at 7:00.  You can also come by early and pick up paint and your project if you want to get an early start.  Feel free to bring a goody to share (not required!!!) I always think eating is just as much fun as crafting! :)
If your name is NICOLA- I am not sure how to contact you and have a few questions for you, so please email me, or leave me a comment with your email.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Is it just me???

I have this curse- and it gets me every holiday- I swear. The curse is that, without fail, and despite my best intentions, I inevitably ALWAYS leave out some holiday decoration on accident. And the funny thing is that it is usually one of the MOST OBVIOUS things! And the other funny thing about this is that I usually don't notice that OBVIOUS thing till someone else points it out to me. Like, "your Halloween wreath looks great with all your Christmas decor!" Seriously, it's usually that obvious!

One year I had a 4 foot tall Halloween Witch right next to my front door clear till Christmas (and I had no clue!) her black and orange and green striped outfit just blended right into my beige wall color I swear!

So, for the last year, I have searched my house high and low after every holiday, hunting down the elusive piece that will be forgotten, and I thought I was doing really well...till I noticed this:
Yes- it is January 14th- and that is a scare-a-crow! And he is on my pantry door! I must pass him at least 50 times a day! LOL- funny thing is, I took the time to take the picture, and now write this post, but have I taken him down? Ummm no! How much you want to bet he will still be there Easter time? :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Valentine’s Day Craft Night!

So the voting wasn’t a landslide like I thought it was going to be! So I will offer all of the crafts except the wood sign (sorry! There were only 5 votes) So, the time has now come to sign up for the crafts!
Please sign up by leaving me a comment, here on my blog! That is the easiest way for me to keep track of orders. :)

LOVE blocks
Cost = $5

LOVE letters
Cost = $16

BE MINE blocks
Cost = $10

HUGS & KISSES blocks
Cost = $6

As of now, I am planning on doing it on Thursday, January 27th @ 7:00 (unless you would all rather start earlier @ 6:00.
Please sign up ASAP so I can get started on the orders- I am going to need all the time I can get (it’s only 2 weeks away!!
Also, I will offer a black and white and red paper option- so let me know if that is what you prefer.
DISCLAIMER! I made my blocks and letters 4 years ago, so I will not be able to get the exact same paper! But you know me, I will have plenty of cute options for you to choose from, and I will stay true to style and get the closest possible to my originals.

CAN'T WAIT!!! I LOVE craft nights!!!

***I am willing to ship, but last time someone never paid me ($40 out of my pocket) so if you are interested, I will probably have you pay me in advance. My email is

One last thing- I am in the Salt Lake City area if anyone is interested in coming who isn't a neighbor of mine! Everyone is welcome! :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Craft Night Poll

I want to do a craft night but haven't made up my mind- if you would like to do anything- just vote on what you want and I will do the top 2 or 3 choices. Can't wait! I love craft nights! BTW- you can vote for more than one!
Also- all mine are a brown and pink design- but I will offer a black/white/and red as well