Sunday, August 1, 2010


I am so excited to announce the winners! I get to draw 4 since I reached 100 followers! I used to generate the numbers, and I thought I could put the random thing on my blog to prove that I did it fairly, but I couldn't figure out how to get their little widgit thingy! (I've seen other people put them on their blogs, but apparently I am too dumb to figure it out.) I will blame it on being "left brain!" :) So here are the winners...drum roll...
#5 meeyeehere said...
You have such nice feet. Mine look like Flintstone feet but they get me to where I want to go,toe hairs and all. Anyway, I would love to win a cute anklet! Oh,I follow you and I am happy! Thanks a bunch lady!
#22 Sandy said...
So pretty! I just became follower #75!=) Thanks for the opportunity to win!
#13 Clyde Family said...
Those are so cute. i need to become a follower. i do follow you i just haven't add that i am
#9 Melissa said...
I didn't see anywhere in fine print that family members were excluded so that means you have to include me in your drawing! :-) Besides, I do kind of like your blog.

Congrats to all my winners! I have to say, I giveaways are hard for me, I want EVERYONE to win! And if the bracelets wouldn't take the time to make that they do, I would so send one to all of you! Sorry to those who entered and didn't win!

If you won, I will try to contact you, but please get back to me by Tuesday, or I will draw a new winner!


  1. Yay!!! I am so happy!!! here is my email
    I would put up my real address but I don't know if you have to approve your messages first or if they go right up which would make my address appear on your page.
    Ya know? Thanks so much!

  2. SWEET! I'll have to get you our new address so it doesn't get lost in the move. I think it will make my week better! Anything has to be better than last week.

  3. YEA!! I sent you a message on facebook.. I never win..
