Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Patriotic Craft Night

Tuesday June 28th @ 7:00 pm till midnight
Herriman City office Building (13011 S Pioneer Street, Herriman)

If signing up- PLEASE leave a comment on this post- it's hard for me to track the orders when some are on FB- texts, blog, or just in passing.  Thanks!!!

A little late in the game, I know...but I figured it will still be before the fourth, and since here in Utah we celebrate the 24th as well- we leave our patriotic stuff up all month! 
 (and if you're like me, I leave mine up till Labor Day)
As of now I am thinking the last week in June, so either the 28th,29th, or 30th
I need to check with Herriman City and see if I can reserve the room any of those dates

Wood Block Flag
Cost:  $9

about 9" tall and 14" long

USA letters
Cost: $11

about 11" high and 8" wide (each letter)
I made mine 5 years ago, so the paper now is way cuter than what is on mine!

Cost: $9
(PLEASE specify which one you want, or if you want it double sided!)

These can be double sided- if you want them double sided the 
cost is $12 (for the extra vinyl and paper)

I will need all orders in by Thursday, June 23

Also, this time I am asking that I receive payment BEFORE craft night 

Everyone is welcome, I live in the south end of the Salt Lake County if you want to join us!

Email me at youcraftmeup@yahoo.com if you have questions

What your money pays for:  I do make a profit on these craft nights. This is what your money pays for (just in case you want to know) wood, blades (I go through a lot of these) sand paper (go through this like crazy too), scrapbook paper, mod podge, paint. paint brushes, table cloths, drop cloths, cups, wire, ribbons, ink pads, the rental for the room, and a few other misc things, and my TIME! :)