Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Shout out

I would like to give a GIANT, OVERSIZED, HUMONGOUS, THANKS to KIM at 733 custom blog design!!!
She is the one who restored my blog for me- out of the kindness of her heart! I can't tell her enough how grateful I am to her generosity! When she saw I was having technical difficulties, she offered to help. I emailed her my blog info late one night, and figured it would be a few days before she'd have time to help, but nope! - when I woke up the very next morning- my blog was fixed!!! Holly Cow Woman- you rock!!!
So- if any of you are looking for some custom blog design (I know I am!) Then stop by and check out her blog- she has amazing talent and great prices! Keep an eye out in the near future for my blog makeover- I just need to figure out what I want her to do first. :)

Friday, December 10, 2010


I need professional help- I can't figure this out!
Somehow I have erased my blog template and I can't get it back!!! This is why I shouldn't be allowed to touch computers...Have no idea when I will have a cute blog again. :( I have lost all my linky things, my followers, everything!!! I HATE computers sometimes! Feel free to cry and pull your hair out with me!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

American Girl Doll

The dreaded birthday wish at our house was the American Girl Doll! For the past 4 years I have been crossing my fingers that she wouldn't want one, but it didn't work this year! :( Seeing as how the doll alone ate up more than we spend on birthdays, my daughter wasn't getting anything else. What fun is a doll without clothes to change though? Thanks to JoAnnes and their $1 patterns, I picked up a few of the 18" doll patterns by Simplicity. I got enough fabric for a pair of jeans and a shirt for less than $2- and went to town! I decided to duplicate my daughters favorite outfit- because I knew she would wear it on her birthday. Good thing I was right! It was priceless seeing her open her doll, and the surprise on her face when she saw they matched!!!
The simplicity doll patterns were super easy to do, and I am excited about making more!
For the shirt, I just found a pattern that was close enough (it was a basic peasant shirt- and I just added elastic to the waist band and then I just added the ruffles and sequins to match my daughters shirt) So Cute!!!
I LOVED doing the stitches on the jeans - so easy and cute!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Rag Stockings

When I told my husband that I wanted to make our stockings, his only request was that they be BIG! So BIG they are! :) (better for stuffing!) I made the first three stockings six years ago, when we only had our baby Rachel. From the get-go I decided to make them all different so that I wouldn't have the stress of buying enough fabric, or having a surprise child later on, and having to do a stocking that didn't match- so I eliminated that problem by just making them as the kids come! I love our stockings- and I especially love how you can tell how the styles of fabric have changed over only a few years! :) Mine is the not-so-cute red and green, my husbands favorite color is blue, so that is his, then it goes in order from our oldest daughter to our two younger boys.
I have saved the pattern so that with each kid I just have to make a new one. They are so fast, simple, and inexpensive to make.

If you would like a pattern, I will send it to you for $3 (to cover paper and shipping costs) I will cut it out of sturdy cardstock and I will mark the joining seams, and include basic instructions. Happy Holidays!!!


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Extra Vinyl

So I learned that vinyl should be left to the professionals! :) While cutting the vinyl for the stockings were hung sings, I made a mistake and cut it too big. If anyone would like to buy the vinyl from me, I will sell it at cost = $9. You can still use it on a 4 foot sign like the ones we made, you will just have to leave out the word "all" and the "..." at the end. So it will read. "the stockings were hung" Plus I have extra stars that you can disperse around the lettering to make it extra festive. I have sold 2 already, so I have 5 left if anyone is interested. I don't think it would cost more than a dollar or two to mail either.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Craft Night List

Everyone who has signed up for a craft or two...PLEASE double check this list- many of you contacted me on here, on my FB page, texted me, or just told I want to make sure I have everyone and that I have your orders correct. Here goes

Calah Dibble JOY
JaNece Mendoza JOY and JINGLE
Kathy Alldredge JOY and JINGLE
Kami Johnson JOY and JINGLE
Kayla LaCaze JOY and JINGLE
Richel Olsen JOY and STOCKINGS
Traci Gossman JOY and JINGLE
Erin Winzeler JOY
Molly Horn JOY and JINGLE
Melinda Hagga JOY and STOCKINGS sign
Tiffany Bowling JOY and JINGLE
Windy Kener JOY and JINGLE and small STOCKINGS
Eunice (JaNece) 3 JOYS and 1 JINGLE
Sheri Jonhson JOY and JINGLE
Melissa Bateman JOY
Alisa Didenhover JOY and JINGLE
Olivia JOY and JINGLE (2 of each)
Emily Putnam JOY
Dara Lythgoe JOY and JINGLE
AnnMarie Wood JOY and JINGLE
Kasey Peterson 12 JOY and 6 JINGLE and STOCKINGS
Sara Furner JINGLE
Whitney JINGLE
Shantelle Zimmerman 3 JOY and 2 JINGLE
Caryn Reese 4 JOYS and 2 JINGLES

Also, We are doing these this WEDNESDAY the 1st at 7:00 pm in the gym at the church by In-N-Out. For those of you who can't make it that night, we will do a day one, maybe Thurs or Fri. Also, for those of you doing multiple, if you want to come by and get your stuff early, you could start getting it painted so you have plenty of time. Let me know if you plan on doing that so I can have your kit sanded for you. Can't wait!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Frequent Questions...

MAILING KITS: I can fit both the joy and jingle kits in one flat rate box (the $10.90 one) None of them will fit in the smaller flat rate. So just decide if it is worth it to you for that cost. If so let me know and I will send it!

If your name is KIRSTEN, PATRICK AND JENNIE or JOEL's MOM - you left me a comment with a question and I have no way to get a hold of you! If you see this, please leave a comment with your email address or another way to reach you and I will gladly answer your questions! :)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Santa's Workshop!

How about another craft night?! Wednesday December 1st at 7:00 (or come when you can) We will be making these:
Sorry for the crappy lighting- I couldn't get it to work very well
JOY letters:

COST- $14These are 11 1/2" tall and you can embellish them as much or as little as you want. I used a more traditional paper mix, but I will also have a more whimsical mix available as well (it has a sky blue in it for those of you with blue in your decor)

JINGLE blocks:

COST- $12These range from 9" -5" tall and again you can embellish as much or as little as you want. I wanted mine to coordinate with my JOY letters, so I matched the paper (not necessary)

Stockings Were Hung Sign
COST- $35 (due date to let me know is this Monday the 15th - just on this one)

As always the cost includes everything you need. Paper, ribbons, paint, everything!
You do not have to do both, you can just do one or the other if you want. I just did the JOY letters because so many of you have been requesting letters.

Please let me know ASAP since we have a busy thanksgiving week coming up and I would like to try to get most of the wood cut before I leave for the holiday.

Here is a picture of the more whimsical patterns: The paper in this photo and on my blocks and letters may not be available in large quantities, so let me know what paper type you want when you sign up and I will do my best to get it

Just so you know - I do make a small profit on these craft nights. This is what your money pays for (just in case you want to know) wood, blades (I go through a lot of these) sand paper (go through this like crazy too), scrapbook paper, mod podge, paint. paint brushes, table cloths, drop cloths, cups, wire, ribbons, ink pads, and a few other misc things, and my TIME! :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Stockings Were Hung...

I have had several people request this project, but I wasn't going to do it because it was so expensive (mine cost me $50 to make!) But, today I did a ton of searching online and I was able to find knobs for cheaper and if I do the vinyl myself (I paid $17) we can do it for $35! I know it is still expensive - but it is the best I could do. So for this project I am placing a deadline of this Sunday the 17th for orders, so I can get the knobs ordered. Also, if you order one THERE WILL BE NO BACKING OUT! The cost to me is to expensive to eat, so sorry, if you order one, you can't change your mind as of Sunday! :) Let me know asap! (as always the cost includes everything you need)
Keep in mind this is a LARGE board! It is 1 foot high and 4 feet long. Also, the cost includes 8 knobs, if you want more, add $1.25 per extra. Sorry, if you choose to do less than 8 the cost is still the same, because I can only get the price by ordering a ton.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

So Sad...

A couple of weeks ago, my adorable daughter dropped my camera and broke it!!!! (how sad is it that my first thought was, "oh no! I won't be able to post on my blog!" - shhhh...don't tell!) And then as if that weren't bad enough, our computer (which isn't even a year old) just got a very nasty virus and now we don't dare even turn it on!!! So I have no idea when I will be able to post next - so hang in there. I will get back to you all with some fun ideas soon. I am currently redoing my daughters room, and it is killing me that I can't take photos along the way! I guess you will just have to get basic before and after shots this time! Feel free to cry a few tears for me! :)


For those of you who missed my guest post on SOMEDAY CRAFTS, here it is! These are a great fall, halloween, and Thanksgiving decoration, so NO it is not too late to do these!
Here is the project I am doing for you today! Paper Bag Pumpkins!

Most of the supplies you probably have already in your house, so you can make them for FREE! (or next to nothing if you have to buy paint and wire)
I made my first set 9 years ago when I was a newly wed and had no decorating fund, and believe it or not, they have survived those 9 years and are still going strong! In fact the first year I had them my husband told me to just throw them away and remake them the next year because they would never survive a year- boy was he wrong and was I glad I didn't follow his advice! :) Lets get started...
What you will need:
*brown paper bags (I use the kind from the grocery store- you can use the small lunch ones, but your pumpkin will be super small and not as sturdy) If you want them really big, you can buy the super large paper yard- or leaf bags in the gardening center.
*Rubber Bands
*Wire and Rafia, or ribbon (totally optional)
*Filler (I use grocery sacks, newspaper, or paper shreds from my shredder)
Step One- prep your paper bag by carefully removing any handles, then slowly and carefully open up the seams on the bottom. You should have a nice square paper tube when done.

Step 2- Scrunch up your tube and twist and wrinkle it (this will make turning it inside out later much easier and it also gives your pumpkin a great texture) I do mine length wise.

Step 3- Gather up one end of your bag- being careful to get all edges in- and tie it off tightly with a rubber band about 1-2" from the edge.

Step 4- Now VERY CAREFULLY and slowly turn it inside out. I find it easiest to sort of "plunge" the rubber band end downward while I carefully pull the edges of the other end up and around (it will make more sense when you do it!) This is the part that you have to be most careful because it can tear pretty easily during this step.

Your paper bag should now be kinda bowl shaped with the rubber band part at the bottom on the inside.

Step 5- Fill your pumpkin with bags, or crumpled up newspaper, or paper shredings. The more tightly you pack the filler, the sturdier your pumpkins will be - just don't fill it too full or you cant close it.

Step 6- Now gather up the edges same as you did in step 3. This time you will really need to make sure that all the edges are pulled in. Gather it tightly and tie off with another rubberband. (this part forms your stem, so you will want it atleast 1" long)

It should now resemble a Pumpkin!

Step 7- Paint your pumpkin with orange paint, then add a little brown to the high ridges for some shadowing if you want. I also like to paint my step brown. (you don't have to get the paint in every little crevice, infact it looks really cool if you don't)

Let the kids join in on the fun too!

Step 8- Wrap some wire around the stem and curl it with a pencil, and if you are good with wire, you can form some leaf shapes like this.

Top it off with some Rafia or ribbon would be super cute too!

Easy Peasy, right? Over the years I have had more comments on these pumpkins than any other decor I have, and people are always shocked to find out they are made from paper bags! The paint will harden them and give them a "leathery" feel. Hope you have fun doing this, and include your kids! My kids love doing these! It also makes a great group craft night since it is so cheap- so get together with your friends and make some great pumpkins for your Thanksgiving centerpiece!
Stop by You Craft Me Up! for more great Holiday ideas!
Thanks again Michelle for this opportunity! You are the best! :D