I would like to give a GIANT, OVERSIZED, HUMONGOUS, THANKS to KIM at 733 custom blog design!!!
She is the one who restored my blog for me- out of the kindness of her heart! I can't tell her enough how grateful I am to her generosity! When she saw I was having technical difficulties, she offered to help. I emailed her my blog info late one night, and figured it would be a few days before she'd have time to help, but nope! - when I woke up the very next morning- my blog was fixed!!! Holly Cow Woman- you rock!!!
So- if any of you are looking for some custom blog design (I know I am!) Then stop by and check out her blog- she has amazing talent and great prices! Keep an eye out in the near future for my blog makeover- I just need to figure out what I want her to do first. :)