Wednesday, April 21, 2010

DIY Glitter Toes

Many of you have asked if there is an easy way to remove glitter toes- there is!!!
I actually discovered this by accident- I found if you soak in a hot bath for about 10 minutes- you can literally just peel them off!  There will still be a little residue left- but nothing you can't remove with just a little nail polish remover.  This is so much easier than trying to file and scrape them off!
Hope this helps!

WARNING: The following post contains images of feet that may be very disturbing to some - trust me, think your feet are cute? Try taking pictures of them and then tell me if you still think they are cute!!! (remember the camera adds 5 lbs - to each toe!!!)

Okay, I don't know about you guys, but I LOVE glitter toes (aka rock star toes) but being the frugalista that I am I HATE the price! So, I have found a way to do them myself for a fraction of the cost! Plus they won't ruin your toes and you can change out the color as often as you want! Here's how!
You will need:
*Nail Polish (any kind, my fav is the quick dry ones since I can't paint my toes with out my daughter wanting hers done as well)
*Fine Glitter (the kind that looks like dust)
*Top Coat (the gel kind works best)

This is the gel top coat, I got it at Sally Beauty Supply for $4

1. Paint one toe to start (once you get the hang of it you can paint a couple at a time) I never knew my toes were so ugly until I started photographing them!

2. Dump glitter on wet polish

Continue til all toes are done.

3. Brush off excess glitter with dry paint brush (brush off nails very gently so you don't dent your hard work!)

NOTE: do this on a sheet of paper so you can dump the extra glitter back into the container!

4. Brush on your top coat (to get a really glossy top coat, apply one coat, then do a second coat later - like the next day, or at least 6 hours later)

Now sit back and enjoy your sexy toes!!! If you do a good top coat these will last 3-4 weeks! The glitter helps it not chip.

This picture is of my polish after a week - no chips!

Once you do your toes you will find yourself constantly looking at your them and thinking "I LOVE my toes!"

GLITTER FYI:This set I got at JoAnnes but I know Hobby Lobby has them as well. It costs $10 dollars but wait till there is a coupon. A little goes a long way with glitter, I have had this bottle for 9 years and have used it on countless projects.

These are the most expensive ones, $5 a piece! They are at Roberts, but I go on Mondays when there is a 50% coupon. For extra sparkle, get the ones that look kinda rainbowy instead of solid.

These are the best deal. They are at Hobby Lobby, they come in a three pack (so 15 colors per pack) for $7 - again, wait for a coupon! So for all 30 of these colors I paid $8 and I will have enough for a lifetime of glitter toes!

Consider the glitter a crafting investment - you can use it for everything! Remember my gold glitter shamrock? Yup, it came from this pack!

Have Fun getting a pedicure!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Craft Night!!!

I don't know about the rest of you, but I am very ready for a girls night out! So any and all of you who are interested in making these big n' chunky candlesticks are welcome to come! The cost for all three is $25. As of now I am planning on doing it Wednesday, May 12 at about 8 pm. (it may have to change depending on my hubby's travel schedule)
Due to the amount of time I will have to put in, I need the money by April 26th, so I can get the wood and get started cutting and routing everything.

The cost includes: all wood for 3 candlesticks, paint (I will have white, brown, or black available), sandpaper, brushes, nails, and glue (candles or wreaths not included - but you can get 2 for $5 at Hobby Lobby - plus a 40% coupon)

Dimensions: Tallest candlestick is 27", middle one is 22", and smallest is 17" (mine are slightly taller and too tall, so I will be shortening them a bit)
Everyone is welcome to come- just leave me a comment with your email if I don't know you!
*note - they will not have that bead board look that you see in the close-up of mine - it was a huge failure! So I won't be repeating that one! :)

St Patricks Day

Again...Just posting 11 months early!
The "LUCK" letters were cut out with a scroll saw (can I just say I LOVE my scroll saw?!) I also cut the clovers out with it. I painted the letters, then traced them on paper, then mod podged the paper on. One of the clovers has bead board paper on it (available at Home Depot) and another is glittered.

A closer view - I distressed the letters with sand paper and then inked the edges with a dark brown ink pad.

Hah! Like the yellow putty holding the letter upright?! :)

The glittered and bead board paper shamrock

Then I printed the word "lucky" on green vellum, and used spray adhesive to attach it to a painted board.

Shamrock cut out with scroll saw (I'm tellin' ya, I couldn't live without that saw!)

Valentines Creations

I know Valentines is long over with, but I am a procrastinator, so I am going to post it way early for next year!!!! Look how on top of it I am! :)
One of our favorite traditions is making glitter hearts to hang from the light over our table. The kids have a blast and my vacume cleaner looks like a fairy exploded in it! We draw designs on the hearts with Elmers glue, then dump glitter on. We then sandwich string between two hearts and hang them!

I saw some blocks similar to this at Roberts for 24.99 mine were FREE! (I used scrap 2x4's and cream paper, then mod podged the letters on the painted blocks!)

More wood blocks covered in scrapbook paper. We cut the letters out with a cricut.

This one I just put the red paper in the printer and printed the words right on! Then mod podge the paper to a chunk of painted wood!

These are a little more complicated. I cut the letters out of 1" wood with my scroll saw, painted the letters, then traced and glued paper on.

Cut out with scroll saw, painted then glittered with mod podge

My favorite this year! I saw tin ones like this at Roberts for a ridiculous price! So I bought a 2x6, cut them out with a band saw, (the bases are a 2x4) and used a dowel for the post. My sisters weren't around with their cricuts, so this time I just printed the letters on the computer and cut them out by hand (polka dots too) a little tedious, but way worth it!!! ($3.50 for all three!)

A wood board painted brown, pink letters cut with a cricut, then after we mod podged the letters on, we put more mod podge on top then dumped pink glitter on! (you can't tell it's glittered in the picture, but trust me it is oh, so cute!)

I printed "hugs & kisses" on the paper then just mod podged it on wood blocks - I'm telling you. SUPER EASY!